Contact Info

I am Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at the University of Chicago. Formerly I was a Distinguished Member of Technical staff and sometime department head at Bell Laboratories (at various times known as Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc; AT&T Bell Laboratories; Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies). I served as Chair at Chicago from 2003 until 2006.


Focus Areas: Functional Programming, Modules, Programming Languages, Types and Type Checking

My research concerns the design, implementation, and formal foundations for typed functional languages, and in particular the functional language ML. I was involved in the design of the Hope functional language, and later in the design and implementation of Standard ML. I continue to be actively involved in the development of Standard ML of New Jersey, a free and open-source implementation of the Standard ML programming language.


Programming Languages

Devising new and better ways of programming the computers of today and tomorrow

Labs & Groups

Programming Languages Group

Interested in all aspects of programming language design and implementation, ranging from theoretical foundations to practical applications.
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