As computing becomes ever more entwined with modern life, it’s critical that students learn how to navigate these technologies from an early age. Computing education encompasses two major areas. First, learning basic concepts of computer science and programming as early as elementary school can help prepare students for advanced STEM education and careers later in life, while literacy in both the potential uses of computing and the risks for privacy, security, and unintentional bias is an essential skill. Second, by harnessing cutting-edge computing technology, such as robotics, data science, and artificial intelligence, researchers can push forward education in a number of areas by providing students with personalized, automated instruction to supplement traditional classroom instruction.

UChicago faculty and students research and develop the most effective methods of teaching a broad spectrum of learners, with an emphasis on populations traditionally underrepresented in computing fields. They develop tools, curricula, activities, and outreach programs for students from kindergarten through graduate school, in areas such as programming, data science, robotics, and quantum computing. Projects also focus on inclusive approaches, so that the next generation of computer scientists and computational thinkers reflects the diverse communities of our world.

Labs & Groups

CANON (Computing for Anyone) Lab

Diana Franklin
Researching innovations in computational thinking education with an emphasis on equity and inclusion for all underrepresented populations.

Related Faculty

Marshini Chetty

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Diana Franklin

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Sarah Sebo

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

News & Events

In the News

From wildfires to bird calls: Sage redefines environmental monitoring

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Unlocking the Future of AI: How CacheGen is Revolutionizing Large Language Models

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UChicago Partners With UMass On NSF Expedition To Elevate Computational Decarbonization As A New Field In Computing

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Assistant Professor Raul Castro Fernandez Awarded NSF CAREER Grant to investigate Data-sharing Markets

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Empowering Middle School Girls in Tech: compileHER’s <prompt/HER> Capstone Event

May 20, 2024
UChicago CS News

Haifeng Xu Wins Best Paper Award at Leading AI Conference for Pioneering Research on Mechanism Design for LLMs

May 17, 2024
UChicago CS News

Fred Chong Receives Quantrell Award for Excellence in Teaching

May 16, 2024
UChicago CS News

Unveiling Attention Receipts: Tangible Reflections on Digital Consumption

May 15, 2024
UChicago CS News

NASA to Launch UChicago Undergraduates’ Satellite

May 14, 2024
UChicago CS News

University of Chicago Computer Science Researchers To Present Ten Papers at CHI 2024

May 06, 2024
UChicago CS News

Two UChicago MPCS Students Win the Apple Swift Student Challenge

May 01, 2024
In the News

How Artificial Intelligence Can Transform U.S. Energy Infrastructure

Apr 29, 2024
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