Research at UChicago CS

Advancing the theory, practice, and applications of computer science through innovative research and collaboration.

Research Areas

AI & Machine Learning

Foundations and applications of computer algorithms making data-centric models, predictions, and decisions

Computing Education

Seeding inclusive computing education for the next generation, from grade school to grad school

Data & Databases

Systems and algorithms for managing and analyzing data at scale

Human Computer Interaction

Exploring the interfaces between people and technologies

Programming Languages

Devising new and better ways of programming the computers of today and tomorrow

Scientific & High Performance Computing

Scientific discovery at the frontiers of computational performance, intelligence, and scale

Security & Privacy

Understanding and defending against emerging threats in our increasingly computational world

Systems, Architecture & Networking

Design and analysis of computing systems: cloud, edge, Internet, quantum, and beyond


The mathematical foundations of computation, including algorithm design, complexity and logic

Visual Computing

Creating and analyzing data from the visual world, and visually understanding complex data

Research Highlights

Interdisciplinary research at the intersection of computer science and other fields.

Quantum Computing

The new paradigm of computing, which harnesses the principles of quantum physics to perform computations impossible for classical architectures.
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Data Science

The UChicago vision for data science defines this emerging field as a new discipline, advancing foundations and applications across fields.
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Research News

Discoveries, honors, and media appearances by members of the UChicago CS research community.
UChicago CS News

What’s Real and What’s Not? Watermarking to Identify AI-Generated Text

Jul 18, 2024
UChicago CS News

Enhancing Multitasking Efficiency: The Role of Muscle Stimulation in Reducing Mental Workload

Jul 10, 2024
In the News

From wildfires to bird calls: Sage redefines environmental monitoring

Jun 28, 2024
UChicago CS News

Unlocking the Future of AI: How CacheGen is Revolutionizing Large Language Models

Jun 25, 2024
UChicago CS News

UChicago Partners With UMass On NSF Expedition To Elevate Computational Decarbonization As A New Field In Computing

May 23, 2024
UChicago CS News

Assistant Professor Raul Castro Fernandez Awarded NSF CAREER Grant to investigate Data-sharing Markets

May 21, 2024
UChicago CS News

Empowering Middle School Girls in Tech: compileHER’s <prompt/HER> Capstone Event

May 20, 2024
UChicago CS News

Haifeng Xu Wins Best Paper Award at Leading AI Conference for Pioneering Research on Mechanism Design for LLMs

May 17, 2024
UChicago CS News

Fred Chong Receives Quantrell Award for Excellence in Teaching

May 16, 2024
UChicago CS News

Unveiling Attention Receipts: Tangible Reflections on Digital Consumption

May 15, 2024
UChicago CS News

NASA to Launch UChicago Undergraduates’ Satellite

May 14, 2024
UChicago CS News

University of Chicago Computer Science Researchers To Present Ten Papers at CHI 2024

May 06, 2024