Contact Info
(773) 702-1269

I am Professor Emeritus, which means retired.


Focus Areas: Internet Protocols, Sound

I am interested in all types of interaction between computation and logic: in software applications, in the foundations of computer science, and in the conceptual foundations of other fields.

I study models for the digital description and production of sound.

I am investigating minimal network infrastructure to support public key cryptography/signature, based on the “nym” idea of self-signed key records.

In the past, I designed and implemented the first lazy functional programming language, defined precisely by the rules of equational logic. I have also investigated computational semantics for nonclassical logics, leading to a new understanding of constructive logic as a logic of proofs that can be communicated accurately in spite of some discrepancies in the language.


Programming Languages

Devising new and better ways of programming the computers of today and tomorrow


The mathematical foundations of computation, including algorithm design, complexity and logic
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