Date & Time:
May 26, 2020 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
TTIC 526, 6045 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago, IL,
05/26/2020 11:00 AM 05/26/2020 02:00 PM America/Chicago CHIcago Remote Symposium TTIC 526, 6045 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago, IL,

CHIcago Remote Symposium

Registration for this event has closed, but you can watch a simulcast of the event on YouTube, starting at 11 am.

With computers of various forms now integral to society, the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) has thrived as a multidisciplinary approach to both expand the potential and avoid the dangers of our technology. Each year, the epicenter of HCI research is the annual ACM SIGCHI conference, known as CHI for short, which was scheduled for late April 2020 in Hawaii.

Faculty and students from UChicago CS contributed an impressive seven papers to this year's CHI and one to the concurrent alt.chi conference. UChicago research also received multiple commendations from this year’s CHI judges, including one Best Paper award and four honorable mentions.

On May 26th, join us online to hear from the authors about their innovative research, which runs the gamut from a bracelet that jams nearby smart devices and scent-based illusions for virtual reality to systems for detecting undisclosed advertisements on social media and gender stereotypes in text and sound. The papers also ask provocative questions about model transparency, privacy, and how modern life is affected by ubiquitous technology and algorithmic approaches.

Please RSVP here. Registered attendees will receive a private link to view the talks and ask questions.

Session 1: Illusions and Mirages (11:00 am)

Jas Brooks – “Trigeminal-based Temperature Illusions”

Andrew McNutt – “Surfacing Visualization Mirages”

Pedro Lopes – “Next Steps in Human-Computer Integration”

Session 2: Detection (12:00 pm)

Andrew McNutt – “Divining Insights: Visual Analytics Through Cartomancy”

Jenna Cryan – “Detecting Gender Stereotypes: Lexicon vs. Supervised Learning Methods”

Session 3: Privacy and Ads (1:00 pm)

Yuxin Chen & Shan-Yuan Teng – “Wearable Microphone Jamming”

Julia Hanson – “Taking Data Out of Context to Hyper-Personalize Ads: Crowdworkers’ Privacy Perceptions and Decisions to Disclose Private Information”

Michael Swart – “Is This An Ad?: Automatically Disclosing Online Endorsements On YouTube With AdIntuition”

Host: UChicago CS HCI Group

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