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Ce Zhang is a Neubauer Associate Professor of computer science. Previously, he was an Associate Professor of Computer Science at ETH Zurich. Before joining the department Ce spent his time as the CTO of Together, building a decentralized cloud for artificial intelligence. His research looks at the fundamental tension between data, model, computation and infrastructure, with the final goal of democratizing machine learning and artificial intelligence. His current research focuses on building next-​generation machine learning platforms and systems that are data-​centric, human-​centric, and declaratively scalable.

Before joining ETH, Ce finished his PhD at the University of Wisconsin-​​Madison and spent another year as a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford, both advised by Christopher Ré. His work has received recognitions such as the SIGMOD Best Paper Award, SIGMOD Research Highlight Award, Google Focused Research Award, an ERC grant, and has been featured and reported by Science, Nature, the Communications of the ACM, and various media outlets such as Atlantic, WIRED, Quanta Magazine, etc. He also currently serves as the co-Editors-in-Chief of DMLR, a new member of the JMLR family focusing on data-centric machine learning research.


AI & Machine Learning

Foundations and applications of computer algorithms making data-centric models, predictions, and decisions
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