Contact Info
JCL 308

Advisors: Andrew Chien

Before starting my PhD at UChicago, I studied Computer Science at the University of Washington, Seattle, with a minor in Mathematics. My senior honors thesis was advised by Prof. Luis Ceze in the Molecular Information Systems Laboratory, and I was a co-author for the paper “Puddle: A Dynamic, Error-Correcting, Full-Stack Microfluidics Platform”, which was submitted to ASPLOS ’19.

I was born in Redmond, WA, and spent some years in Pune, India. Go Seahawks!

I’m currently working on a project in sustainable computing research with Prof. Andrew Chien as part of the LSSG group. I am also interested in exploring the possibility of pursuing quantum computing research, with Profs. Yanjing Li and Fred Chong.


Systems, Architecture & Networking

Design and analysis of computing systems: cloud, edge, Internet, quantum, and beyond
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