Yan Liu (U of Southern California) - Frontiers of Foundation Models for Time Series in Science Applications
Recent development in deep learning has spurred research advances in time series modeling and analysis. Practical applications of time series raise a series of new challenges in science applications, such as multi-resolution, multimodal, missing value, distributeness, and interpretability. In this talk, I will discuss possible paths to foundation models for time series data and future directions for time series research.

Yan Liu
Yan Liu is a Professor in the Computer Science Department and the Director of the Machine Learning Center at the University of Southern California. She received her Ph.D. degree from Carnegie Mellon University. Her research interest is machine learning and its applications to climate science, health care, and sustainability. She has received several awards, including NSF CAREER Award, Okawa Foundation Research Award, New Voices of Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, Best Paper Award in SIAM Data Mining Conference. She serves as general chair for KDD 2020 and ICLR 2023, and program chairs for WSDM 2018, SDM 2020, KDD 2022 and ICLR 2022.