CQE IBM Postdoc Program Trains Next-Generation Quantum Workforce with Industry

In graduate school, Kate Smith couldn’t stop thinking about how she could help create the most useful applications for quantum machines.

After graduating with her PhD in electrical engineering, Smith knew she wanted to continue learning about how to use quantum devices. As she searched for a postdoctoral research position, she came across the Chicago Quantum Exchange’s IBM Postdoctoral Trainees Program, which educates the next generation of scientists through mentoring, independence, and opportunities across both Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE) member institutions and the IBM Q Network.

The program accepts both experimentalists and theorists. Selected researchers will investigate materials, fabrication techniques, algorithms, and software and hardware development that will enable us to fully realize and scale quantum computers in the coming years.

Smith, who was accepted into the program last year, said it is a great opportunity to work with many different research groups across academia, industry, and national labs.

“I’m able to connect with so many different scientists and sources of knowledge, and I’m excited to learn more and grow professionally,” she said.

Read more about Smith and the CQE IBM Postdoctoral Quantum Trainees program at the CQE website.

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