The mathematical perspective offered by theory plays a fundamental role in connecting computer science with the other pure sciences. Since the founding of UChicago CS in 1983, theory has been a core strength of the department, in alignment with the scientific vision and strengths of the broader university. CS theory faculty specialize in complexity, logic, uncertainty, combinatorics, randomness and other areas that bridge CS with physics, statistics, and other mathematical sciences.

At UChicago CS, researchers develop theory to understand more abstract, fundamental questions, such as teasing out the inherent limits of computation and their connection with the physical nature of our universe. They also develop theory and build algorithms for applications such as quantum computing, machine learning, and cryptography, working in tandem with other research areas in charting the pathway for tomorrow’s technologies. A robust relationship with the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC), a privately-endowed academic institute located on the UChicago campus, expands and enriches the theory community.

Labs & Groups

EPiQC (Enabling Practical-Scale Quantum Computing)

Fred Chong
A multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional NSF Expedition in Computing, led by UChicago, that spans quantum algorithms, software, and physical machines.

Theoretical Computer Science Group

The Theory group plays a fundamental role in connecting CS with physics, statistics, and other mathematical sciences.

Orecchia Group

Lorenzo Orecchia
Designing simple, efficient algorithms for foundational computational challenges arising in a variety of applications.

Related Faculty

László Babai

Bruce V. and Diana M. Rauner Distinguished Service Professor of Computer Science, Mathematics

David Cash

Professor of Computer Science

Julia Chuzhoy

Professor, Toyota Technological Institute

Aloni Cohen

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Data Science

Todd Dupont

Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, Mathematics, and the James Franck Institute

William Fefferman

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Risi Kondor

Associate Professor of Computer Science, Statistics

Stuart Kurtz

George and Elizabeth Yovovich Professor of Computer Science and the College

Yury Makarychev

Associate Professor, Toyota Technological Institute

Ketan Mulmuley

Professor of Computer Science

Lorenzo Orecchia

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Aaron Potechin

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Robert Rand

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Alexander A. Razborov

Andrew MacLeish Distinguished Service Professor of Computer Science, Mathematics

Janos Simon

Professor of Computer Science

Madhur Tulsiani

Assistant Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Toyota Technological Institute
Haifeng Xu

Haifeng Xu

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Data Science

News & Events

UChicago CS News

UChicago Partners With UMass On NSF Expedition To Elevate Computational Decarbonization As A New Field In Computing

May 23, 2024
UChicago CS News

Assistant Professor Raul Castro Fernandez Awarded NSF CAREER Grant to investigate Data-sharing Markets

May 21, 2024
UChicago CS News

Empowering Middle School Girls in Tech: compileHER’s <prompt/HER> Capstone Event

May 20, 2024
UChicago CS News

Haifeng Xu Wins Best Paper Award at Leading AI Conference for Pioneering Research on Mechanism Design for LLMs

May 17, 2024
UChicago CS News

Fred Chong Receives Quantrell Award for Excellence in Teaching

May 16, 2024
UChicago CS News

Unveiling Attention Receipts: Tangible Reflections on Digital Consumption

May 15, 2024
UChicago CS News

NASA to Launch UChicago Undergraduates’ Satellite

May 14, 2024
UChicago CS News

University of Chicago Computer Science Researchers To Present Ten Papers at CHI 2024

May 06, 2024
UChicago CS News

Two UChicago MPCS Students Win the Apple Swift Student Challenge

May 01, 2024
In the News

How Artificial Intelligence Can Transform U.S. Energy Infrastructure

Apr 29, 2024
In the News

Community Data Fellow Stephania Tello Zamudio helps broaden internet access for Illinois residents

Apr 29, 2024
UChicago CS News

Two UChicago CS Students Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Apr 24, 2024
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