Date & Time:
May 5, 2023 8:45 am – 4:15 pm
05/05/2023 08:45 AM 05/05/2023 04:15 PM America/Chicago PhD Career Day Workshop The department is hosting a Career Day workshop on May 5th, for our Ph.D. students to learn about and discuss...

The Department of Computer Science and faculty are excited to announce a Career Day workshop for our Ph.D. students to learn about and discuss career paths after completing their degrees.

The one-day in-person workshop is scheduled for Friday, May 5th, 2023, in Crerar 390. Our guest speakers are all former Ph.D. advisees of University of Chicago faculty or UChicago alumni. They will speak about their own career experiences covering a breadth of career paths. The workshop will start around 8:45 am CDT and end around 4:15 pm CDT with lunch included. There will also be a breakfast session for Female & Non-Binary Faculty and PhD Students, co-organized by CS and GWICS.

Register here (Registration is free, and only used to provide a headcount for catering.)

The morning schedule of events includes two panels on experiences in industry and academia career paths and experiences. These panels will be followed with an AMA session where students can engage directly with panelists in small group conversations. The afternoon schedule will start with an open discussion on academic hiring with multiple members of the faculty hiring committees. The final event will be a panel on work-life balance with multiple faculty members and our guest panelists.

The detailed schedule is listed here

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