Date & Time:
May 3, 2023 1:30 pm – 2:50 pm
Crerar 011, 5730 S Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL,
05/03/2023 01:30 PM 05/03/2023 02:50 PM America/Chicago Harpreet Sareen (Parsons)- Interaction Design and Non-human Behaviors Crerar 011, 5730 S Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL,

Our practices of design have been fundamentally shaped by human behavior. However, revisiting fundamentals that shaped this human-centric context can also reshape our technological transformation from an anthropomorphic to a nature-centric view. At the cusp of technologies that can be applied much broadly to our ecology today, there is an opportunity to flatten design at the behavioral level incorporating non-human animals and organisms.

In this talk, Prof. Harpreet Sareen will discuss Interaction Design (IxD) from a vantage point of plants and animal behaviors; and creating projects with such species in various contexts. Understanding these processes may help inform our practice to design solely for non-humans and/or human/non-human relationships.

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