Date & Time:
April 13, 2022 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Crerar 298, 5730 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL,
04/13/2022 01:00 PM 04/13/2022 02:00 PM America/Chicago Masahiko Inami (University of Tokyo) – Virtual Cyborg: Beyond Human Limits UChicago HCI Club Seminar Crerar 298, 5730 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL,

The social revolutions have accompanied innovation of the view of the body. If we regard the information revolution as the establishment of a virtual society against the real society, it is necessary to design a new view of the body “JIZAI body (Virtual Cyborg)“, which can adapt freely to the change of social structure, and establish a new view of the body.

In this talk, we discuss how we understand basic knowledge about body editing for the construction of the JIZAI body (Virtual Cyborg) based on VR, AR, Robotics, and Superhuman Sports: Applying Human Augmentation to Physical Exercise.

This talk will also present Superhuman Sports, a form of “Human-Computer Integration” to overcome somatic and spatial limitations of humanity by merging technology with the body. We hope to create a future of sports where everyone, strong or weak, young or old, non-disabled or disabled, can play and enjoy playing without being disadvantaged.

Zoom information is shared in the internal HCI Club mailing list and UChicago CS Slack channel.


Masahiko Inami

Special Advisor to the President, Professor; Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo

Dr. Masahiko Inami took up his current position as professor at the University of Tokyo after working at the University of Electro-Communications and Keio University. His interests include “JIZAI body editing technology,” the Augmented Human, and entertainment engineering. He has received several awards, including TIME Magazine’s “Coolest Invention of the Year” award and the Young Scientist Award from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT). He is also the co-representative of the Superhuman Sports Society, a director of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, and a member of the Science Council of Japan. His latest book is called “Theory of JIZAI Body” (NTS Publishing, Inc).

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