Date & Time:
November 12, 2021 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Oriental Institute, 1155 E. 58th St., Chicago, IL,
11/12/2021 01:30 PM 11/12/2021 05:00 PM America/Chicago The Healthcare Information Crisis: Medical Ontologies and the Challenge of Data Harmonization Neubauer Collegium Oriental Institute, 1155 E. 58th St., Chicago, IL,

The Healthcare Information Crisis: Medical Ontologies and the Challenge of Data Harmonization

This symposium brings together leading experts in biomedical informatics and digital data integration with UChicago faculty in medicine and other departments to discuss an urgent problem in healthcare: How to combine disparate sources of digital information within a common ontological framework for automated querying and analysis, even when this data is recorded by healthcare professionals and researchers using divergent vocabularies and conceptual schemes. This problem becomes ever more pressing with the explosion of big data in medicine, as in other fields, and the failure to solve it is incurring enormous costs and inefficiencies. 


  • Christopher Chute, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Health Informatics and Professor of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Johns Hopkins University
  • Zachary Ives, Department Chair and Adani President’s Distinguished Professor of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania
  • Harold Solbrig, a leading expert in biomedical informatics at the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University


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