Photo by Borja Sotomayor
Photo by Borja Sotomayor

The University of Chicago hosted the Chicago site of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) Mid-Central Regional November 3rd — and claimed one of the day’s big winners.

Nearly two dozen student teams from UChicago, the University of Illinois, Illinois Institute of Technology, Northwestern University, Wheaton College, Loyola University, DePaul University, College of Lake County, and Saint Xavier University gathered in the Computer Science Instructional Laboratory (CSIL) and attempted to solve 11 programming challenges during the five-hour competition. For each successfully solved problem, the team receives points based on the time elapsed and whether they finished first (plus, a balloon).

Team Phoenix with ICPC coach Borja Sotomayor, Senior Lecturer in UChicago CS. Photo by Saeid Barati.
Team Phoenix with ICPC coach Borja Sotomayor, Senior Lecturer in UChicago CS. Photo by Saeid Barati.

Among the final leaders in the standings was UChicago’s Team Phoenix — Yifan Liu, Xifan Yu, and Zixuan Zhao — who finished 2nd in the regional and qualified for the World Finals, which will be held in Porto, Portugal in April 2019. Additional UChicago teams finished 5th, 20th, and 43rd in the 125-team regional.

ICPC is the annual worldwide programming competition of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). A UChicago team has qualified for the ICPC World Finals 8 of the last 10 years, and UChicago has served as a regional host for the last seven years.

For information on getting involved in next year’s ICPC, contact Borja Sotomayor (

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