Modern machine learning techniques have ushered in a new era of computing. Instead of following an explicitly provided set of instructions, computers can now learn from data and subsequently make predictions. Recent approaches have unlocked new capabilities across an expanse of applications, including computer graphics, computer vision, natural language processing, recommendation engines, speech recognition, and models for understanding complex biological, physical, and computational systems.

UChicago CS studies all levels of machine learning and artificial intelligence, from theoretical foundations to applications in climate, data analysis, graphics, healthcare, networks, security, social sciences, and interdisciplinary scientific discovery. Researchers explore the next generation of learning methods, including machine teaching, human-centered AI, and applications in language, image processing, and scientific discovery. With colleagues across the UChicago campus, the department also examines the considerable societal impacts and ethical questions of AI and machine learning, to ensure that the potential benefits of these approaches are not outweighed by their risks.

Labs & Groups

Machine Learning Group

Researchers at the University of Chicago and partner institutions studying the foundations and applications of machine learning and AI.

SAND (Security, Algorithms, Networking and Data) Lab

Ben Y. Zhao, Heather Zheng
SAND Lab spans research topics in security, machine learning, networked systems, HCI, data mining and modeling.


Rana Hanocka
A computer graphics collective at UChicago pursuing innovation at the intersection of 3D and Deep Learning.

Network Operations and Internet Security (NOISE) Lab

Nick Feamster
Develops data-driven systems that derive insights from network traffic and explores how network traffic can reveal insights into human behavior.

Chicago Human + AI (CHAI) Lab

Chenhao Tan
Developing synergy between humans and artificial intelligence through a better understanding of human behavior and human interaction with AI.

Strategic IntelliGence for Machine Agents (SIGMA) Lab

Haifeng Xu
Develops cutting-edge machine learning and decision making techniques that can excel in uncertain and complex strategic environments, ranging from national...

Related Faculty

Yuxin Chen

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Nick Feamster

Neubauer Professor of Computer Science

Michael Franklin

Morton D. Hull Distinguished Service Professor

John Goldsmith

Edward Carson Waller Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus, Departments of Computer Science and Linguistics

Robert Grossman

Frederick H. Rawson Distinguished Service Professor in Medicine, Computer Science

Rana Hanocka

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Grant Ho

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Henry Hoffmann

Liew Family Chair of Computer Science

Junchen Jiang

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Risi Kondor

Associate Professor of Computer Science, Statistics

Karen Livescu

Associate Professor, Toyota Technological Institute

Michael Maire

Associate Professor of Computer Science

David McAllester

Professor, Toyota Technological Institute

Lorenzo Orecchia

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Gregory Shakhnarovich

Professor, Toyota Technological Institute

Nathan Srebro

Professor, Toyota Technological Institute

Chenhao Tan

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Data Science

Matthew Walter

Assistant Professor, Toyota Technological Institute

Rebecca Willett

Professor of Computer Science, Statistics
Haifeng Xu

Haifeng Xu

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Data Science

Ben Y. Zhao

Neubauer Professor of Computer Science

Heather Zheng

Neubauer Professor of Computer Science

News & Events

UChicago CS News

UChicago Partners With UMass On NSF Expedition To Elevate Computational Decarbonization As A New Field In Computing

May 23, 2024
UChicago CS News

Assistant Professor Raul Castro Fernandez Awarded NSF CAREER Grant to investigate Data-sharing Markets

May 21, 2024
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Empowering Middle School Girls in Tech: compileHER’s <prompt/HER> Capstone Event

May 20, 2024
UChicago CS News

Haifeng Xu Wins Best Paper Award at Leading AI Conference for Pioneering Research on Mechanism Design for LLMs

May 17, 2024
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Fred Chong Receives Quantrell Award for Excellence in Teaching

May 16, 2024
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Unveiling Attention Receipts: Tangible Reflections on Digital Consumption

May 15, 2024
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NASA to Launch UChicago Undergraduates’ Satellite

May 14, 2024
UChicago CS News

University of Chicago Computer Science Researchers To Present Ten Papers at CHI 2024

May 06, 2024
UChicago CS News

Two UChicago MPCS Students Win the Apple Swift Student Challenge

May 01, 2024
In the News

How Artificial Intelligence Can Transform U.S. Energy Infrastructure

Apr 29, 2024
In the News

Community Data Fellow Stephania Tello Zamudio helps broaden internet access for Illinois residents

Apr 29, 2024
UChicago CS News

Two UChicago CS Students Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Apr 24, 2024
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